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Showing posts with the label 5NL-MicroStakes

About Making Mistakes in Poker

Mistakes are an inevitable part of the game. However, we have the power to decide the magnitude of our errors. Would you prefer to make a small mistake or a major blunder? To err is human; to admit it, superhuman - Benjamin Franklin The Ego Just two days ago, I took a shot at 5 NL. Everything was going smoothly until today’s session. My ego got the better of me and I ended up making quite a few big mistakes. Let’s dive into one of these examples below. Set VS Straight | Click to view the poker hand details GGPoker, Hold'em No Limit - $0.02/$0.05 - 5 players Replay this hand on CardsChat UTG: $4.59 (92 bb) CO: $5.34 (107 bb) BU: $5.05 (101 bb) SB (Hero): $5.19 (104 bb) BB: $2.47 (49 bb) Pre-Flop: ($0.07) Hero is SB with 9 ♠ 9 ♥ UTG raises to $0.15 , 2 players fold , Hero calls $0.13 , 1 fold Flop: ($0.35) 9 ♣ T ♥ 4 ♠ (2 players) Hero checks , UTG bets $0.20 , Hero calls $0.20 Turn:...
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